
Visualização prévia da versão: 5

warning: this version is yet under development.

Tradução dos textos até 08/02/06


This presentation shows the evolution of the Estúdio Livre project in Brazil.

Born from an insights into free media tools necessary for research, development and production, the project was initiated by the Programa Software Livre Paraná - a non-profit organization that promotes FOSS initiatives.

The goals are: to stimulate production of free/open media; to analyze the professional potential of free/open media tools; to collaborate with the multimedia FOSS community; to build colloboration between programmers, between computer scientists, artists and media producers; to experiment with the use of artistic meta languages, mixing new technological processes and contemporary concepts; and to build new interface possibilities using technologies once considered obsolete.

Estúdio Livre is unique as a collaborative Brazilian Portuguese speaking network. The interactions within its environment are presented through personal weblogs, media for download, manuals for users, forums, research groups, discussion lists and other unique collaborative work tools.

Last year, through a partnership with the Brazilian government - Ministry of Culture - Estudiolivre delivered implementation support for the Cultural Hotspots, a project which uses free media tools in creative processes as a way to improve the circulation of cultural 'goods'. Through an interface to estudiolivre.org, each Hotspot is now becoming mediactive in the network.

/* adicionei este paragrafo abaixo para não parecer que o Estudio Livre é restrito a este projeto do governo

We are however not restricted to support work on such a large scale project. We are open for donations, endorsements or any other specific consultancies which are looking for new ways to maintain structure, with a focus on support and maintainence of our community and research into the implementation of collaborative tools and methods.

This initiative is still restricted to the Portuguese language yet, but intends to interact very soon with the world wide net that also researches and develops professional and experimental media production softwares.

1. Free Software and its Process

Free Software as a phenomenon is gaining more space everyday, both in media and in practice, as it is considered a powerful instrument for digital inclusion and technological development. The notion of open systems as proxy activists for freedom in the "Information Age" is widespread - capable of equaling and in many cases surpassing "proprietary" monopolies. With this perspective, free software is appropriate as a flag and weapon against hegemonic models of closed information systems. Free software is often technically superior, more secure and offers an econonomic alternative because of its open source and its open distribution license.

This is all well and good but it ignores the most important characteristics of the Free Software phenomenon: its production dynamics, its viral rules of product circulation and the changes in social behaviour brought about by its utilization logic .
There's a world of difference between "proprietary" and "open" models not only in materialistic terms, but also in terms of the social relationships that it moderates. Actually, it's not correct to argue that free software is better than "proprietary", but in fact that it belongs to another order. This order can be argued as more honest and better than proprietary.

A proprietary model is motivated by competition and financial gain whilst an open model is motivated by collaboration and generosity.
In any level of interaction in the open model, a horizontal relationship exists between producer and consumer, which is completely different from the producer/consumer or server/consumer relationships of the closed model, as these are often seen as qualitatively unfair social relationships. More importantly, and stressing the divergence from closed source software, publishing with open source is part of its process of development - the moment that the collaborators will build it together.

Therefore, the new collaborative paradigm that we present is inspired by free software production and in the structure of information cycles in the Internet, in that should be understood as a new cultural PROCESS and not as a new cultural PRODUCT. This PROCESS can be defined as a cycle of cumulative feedback, that pushes the network to think and is based on information sharing as a motor of technological innovation for the PRODUCTION of cultural goods.

It is interesting to observe the coexistence of the variables PROCESS and PRODUCT (or PRODUCTION ), in a continuous flux of events which can be better understood by the computationally modern concept of "fuzzy logic". Under a traditional Aristothelic logic, based on "True" or "False" statements, we usually conclude that some PRODUCT is a RESULT of a PROCESS. Fuzzy Logic works with the idea of complex scales calculated at the limits of processes. Most human experiences can't be just classified as "true" or "false", "yes" or "no". We want to see all the implications and inter-relations in the dichotomy between PROCESS and PRODUCT, to know and to learn about complex scales of interaction, through various perspectives. Working technology with human aspects: that's the way Estudio livre works.

2.Estudio Livre

Free multimedia software is finding more barriers due to the advanced state of media industry proprietary software. To fill this vacuum Estudio Livre was created, a collaborative environment for people interested in the production and distribuition of media made with free software and through independent networks. The objective of the website is to support a community involved in the research, production and motivation to circulate collaborative cultural goods. Works can be freely distributed, remixed and retransmitted legally by the authors without any restriction to access - including monetary access. Therefore, we can assume that Estudio Livre is involved in the production of new forms of media and in information technology research.

All the tools in the estudiolivre.org environment are based in free software concepts, free knowledge and technological appropriation. The tools of interaction in this environment are personal weblogs, media for download, user manuals, forums, research groups, mailing lists and other collaborative tools.

At estudiolivre.org , the users will realize that in its virtual structure there're not just only informations in portuguese language, but also possibilities of interctive communication throught its network. Since then, they can feel that are not alone with this news, and can intergrate with more facilities to the process. The idea is turn this web site a reference for researches in portuguese language about multimedia production in free software and to motivate collaborative works in between members of this community.

To interact in the website, the users must regitrate their personal data, to inform the authoring of the material that it's beeing published (phonograms, images, audiovisual, softwares, texts, samples, etc.), and authorize, without exclusivity, its exibition and eletronic distribution at http://www.estudiolivre.org respecting the therms of website use policy. They have to confirm that agree with the collaborative licences, taking responsability about complains that may appeae reclaiming the authoring of material. They have to be conscious that estudiolivre.org don't have obligations about this distribuition or exbition (it will happen with the flow of community inside the website ) and will not own any reward by the licenced material. This warning is a summary of website "Therms of Use".

/* o paragráfo sobre aproximação entre desenvolvedores e produtores culturais ( "usuarios") esta desenvolvido abaixo...


Developers: Open Source, Arts and Science.

The utilization of open source software, with licences that allow sharing and recombination of their source codes is potencially a great asset for viability of a more interdisciplinar community that could put arts and science closer.

Extimulating this model of production, we support a space where the science can opperate with more innovation and arts can work with better engagement on development of techniques. A big problem of human relationship with arts production technologies is the fact of non-questioning on repetition mechanisms of "professional media industry". The computer is seen by the artists in the most of cases as a "closed box", that always will dictate aesthetical paths of its interfaces, attaching de cultural producer in a blind dependency of mass culture industry patterns and products.

In the case of open source software the productions follow a demand rythm and mutual colaboration where the developer has an immediate feedback of the artist and the artist can have a more advanced knowledge about the development of his working tools, as the production of these tools are not in a ethernal cycle of "industrial secrets". In this case a deeper knowlwdge of a self method od uses of machines is consequently estimulated and the potencial of customization of his production process is bigger and bigger, besides, bringing better interstests on science and technological techiques that made avaible his processes.

Otherwise, the scientists, mainly the programmers, can find in this enviroment a huge motivation to his creativity and a way to break the boundaries between his techniques and artists methods, stimulating the vision that produce a code, project an interface or build a machine should me so poetical and ludical as paiting a canvas or play a guitar. It brings back the image of the inventor, for this cold age of mass production industry.

Artists and cultural activists: Colaborative Production Environments.

The way that free software is developed is for shure one of the most sucessful models of organic and participative management of a collective work already known. The idea of collaborative producing using internet interfaces that allows code edition, veryfing differences between versions, discussion foruns and mailing lists supported the criation of complete operational systems that today are in some cases more efficients than proprietary software, for example, the web servers. This happens because is more inteligent and fast share the problems and "bugs" with an open community than with "secret" methods of decisions.

This vision influenced a lot the way of see artistic production in the beggining of this century. It's explicit that artistic production could reach its public directly without middlemen and getting directly the interested people, without have to mold itself to "marketing" aesthetics demands from its distributor ( in most of cases suppositions full of prejudice and fear of creativity). Artists could understand their own field of influence. Therefore, this generated necessity of going deeep inside the questiond of licencing this sharing of authoring, as every "consumer" is also a potencial distribuition or even a collaborator in his works.

One of the purposed solutions, that Estudio livre works in practics is incentive to this collaborative production using the sharing licences as Creative commons, for questions of copyrights. In this way the producer gives in advanced to his "public" the rights to be his partner in creative and/or distribuition of his works. By this way we can create this reationship here production and consumption are parts of the same cycle, where the profit is the aquired knowledge and one stronger and stronger social network that sooner or later will be supported by reliablility between comunity members. This production chain can pottencialy pass throught cultural and geopolitical borders possibiliting autonomous networks, more self-consciousness oftheir directions and more able to think their social and economic role of production.


The scope of Estudio Livre acting is concentrated on supporting approximation of cycles of free media production software and motivation of sharing and colaborate in this production and development. After all, it's a collective that counts on volunteers of community sharing interests for the autonomy and principles of its purpouses. In the other hand incentivate the participation of its more active members in consultancy and implementantation of projects that wants this work methodology, utilising the material and documentation of the website and bringing more self envolving in production of more contents for the website. Estudio Livre also accepts volunteer donations and institucional partnerships, since it's not against the collaborative policies and in the case of institucional profits the authors of contents had to be contacted.

The objective is incentivate cycles where the collaborative development of free software for multimedia production and the goods generated with this tools find a distribuition flow, support and sharing of theorical, practical and creative knowledge, creating a scenario of more participative cultural and technological production, generating a kind of consuption non-alienated in mass entertainment industry. We exepect with this more consciousness of social roles, as part of a interdependent, open and collective process.


Media Activism, Collaborative Environment, Free Culture, Open Knowledge


Legenda: v - view, s - source, c - compare, d - diff

Data Usuári@ IpComentário Versão Ação
03:12:40 de 29/03/12 fabs186.206.110.108+ link para o livro 11
 v  s
17:38:03 de 15/08/08 fabs189.32.1.163partnership and link updates, format corrections 10  v  s  c  d  
16:35:39 de 10/04/07 fabs201.3.219.217acrescentei o credito da tori 9  v  s  c  d  
01:20:13 de 01/04/07 fabs201.35.230.235credits 8  v  s  c  d  
05:12:01 de 15/03/07 fabs201.14.149.170tradução feita pela tory holmes 7  v  s  c  d  
20:41:59 de 12/03/07 vern86.133.139.203more changes 6  v  s  c  d  
17:05:15 de 12/03/07 vern86.133.139.203more text 5  v  s  c  d  
16:01:49 de 12/03/07 vern86.133.139.203Added a few things/changed grammer 4  v  s  c  d  
20:35:30 de 10/04/06 fabs201.22.34.50  3  v  s  c  d  
20:34:51 de 10/04/06 fabs201.22.34.50  2  v  s  c  d  
23:47:45 de 11/02/06 fabs201.22.9.118  1  v  s  c  d