Fórum: Ardour

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caioteccArdour com Project Mix da m-audio

Olá galera,

gostaria de saber se a project mix da m-audio funciona com o Ardour. Tenho planos de gravar algumas bandas aqui pelo projeto que trabalho. Conheço bem a funcionalidades da project mix usando-a em MAC. Se alguém puder ajudar serei grato!

Caio Rego
enviada por:caiotecc em: 14:23 - 03/02    |    leituras: 5645    |   


We were presented with four performances by artists on the Berlin-based raster-noton music label, known for their roster of minimalist electronic artists. Not to speak to the specific quality of each performance, because the actualy sound engineering of each was quite well done, it was the the absolute minimality of the programming that left me wishing I kept both my extra sweaters on at Usine C. The abstract, if not atonal, sounds pumping violently through the speakers created a wall of such solid sound that it literally felt as though I was swimming in it trying to move from my space on the floor over to the bar – an immersive experience, most certainly, but agressive beyond agressive.

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